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Finding support and help: how your community can make a difference

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

One thing I figured out when i was stripped to nothing. All my pride , all my belongings , my materialism , my comfort , my pleasures were all stripped from me. I loved God and always have , but now I was in the true test of my life. How much do I trust God and is my faith strong enough to carry me through what I thought would be months , but homelessness turned Into years for me. I gave everything I owned away. Dirt bikes, guns , my furniture , my tools (ouch !!!) my clothes I was so attached to , dress to impress , was my thing. Jewelry, even my daughters toys that I spent sometimes 100s of dollars on one toy. My pride slowly turned into humility , my materialistic ways started to turn into Charity , which is Love and is the greatest of the Gospels. Love. Give your time to a good cause and join light after darks fun fundraising events coming soon. Contact Eric Guadiana at 480-388-4057 or 480-807-3151. We hope to hear from you soon. We love you and God bless.

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